Monday, January 21, 2008

Studio Move

I've decided to move my studio from our Dining Room to our little guest bedroom. We call it the green room - it's the girliest room in a house full dirty shoes and Prater men.

Here's the rationale - I'm messy, the DR has no door and is visible from the entry. It spills into the kitchen and living rooms and never looks settled. Besides, it seems like better use of the green room to use it daily as a studio space than for a weekend every couple of months. Carol loves the couch, right?

So I am going to get rid of the day bed, pull up the carpet, paint the concrete underneath and move in. The armoire is stuffed with miscellany, so I will have to cull it out to use it for my supplies. Same with the closet.

Here are the before pictures. If you're in the neighborhood and feel like pulling up tack strips, come on by, I'll put on some coffee.


Deb Silva said...

nice room! Now you can escape when you want to work - woohoo!

GeorgiePorgie said...

Hey, that's OUR bedroom!! Is this a hint?

Mom & Dad

e.beck.artist said...

hooray! you'll love having your own space!