Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dead Bird Knitting

If you've been reading my blog or Debbi's for the last few days, you may be curious about some of the comments and allusions to dead birds. I'll let you all in on the inspiration for this as well as those remarks. A picture is worth a thousand words, and in some cases inducement for waking up screaming in the middle of the night, so here you go:

While at Arrowmont, one of the instructors showed a slide of an installation by an artist that had inspired her. It was the above: "Boarders at Rest (Le Repos des pensionnaires), 1971-72. Taxidermized birds and wool, each approximately 4 3/4 x 4 x 1 1/4 inches" by French artist Annette Messager. View more fodder for your nightmares here.


Lori E said...

oh come on! All the birds need are flip-flops to complete the ensemble...

GeorgiePorgie said...

This is art? I guess the mummies of Egypt can be considered art also. I guess I have a lot to learn. Mom

Debbi Crane said...

Is it possible that this thing is creepier now than it was the first time I saw it?

Cheryl, will you please tell us WHY the lady had to knit sweaters for the birds?

I don't know if it's art. Depends on your definition - if ART means that it makes you REACT and think and talk - then YES this is art. If art means something that enlightens, eduacates, uplifts or entertains, then MAYBE this is art. If art means a thing that is really cute, then NO this ain't art.

Cheryl Prater said...

Glad you asked Debbi.

So's they don't get the bird flu, of course.

Anonymous said...

I have two responses to this post:
1. I am SO relieved that is not your art!
2. I am going to throw up.

Anonymous said...

I think this is beautiful- in a very disturbing way