Monday, January 8, 2007

Today's Tile

I had planned to channel Erma Bombeck and write something silly about people I love, but I'm too tired. I did, however, fulfill my daily tile requirement. This is from another one of Carmen's precious cabinet cards, a collection she bought in England: The Nurse. I think she looks as resolved as Joan of Arc in her starched white uniform with that bold red cross.


GeorgiePorgie said...

Cheryl, part of my new sales respon -sibilities in working with Dennis will be selling memorabilia, sports stuff and graduation traditions here in Florida. Currently they are doing some tiles (and cutting boards)for golf courses et. al. This would be down your alley and we'll see if there are sufficient synergies (read that "profitable") to do the tile work for me. Dad

GeorgiePorgie said...

Hey, I'm back from the Windy City - great to be in sunny SW Florida again.

Love your new tiles, but where is the one of the parents who died?
